Starlink SpaceX

Starlink (satellite constellation)

Starlink is a satellite constellation being constructed by American company SpaceX,[1][2] to provide satellite Internet access.[3][4]

FázaVýška (km)Počet
v rovine
Počet satelitovInklinácia
Termín dokončenia  na 1/2Termín dokončenia Súčasne funkčných
(8. jan 2020)
55072221 58453marec 2024marec 2027180
1 11032501 60053,80
1 130850400740
1 275575375810
1 325675450700
335,92 49342november 2024november 20270
340,82 478480
345,62 547530
spolu11 927

Starlink 34 days fly, altitude 350 to 550 km.

First 20 satellites climb from 350 to 550 km:Starlink-1022, Starlink-1038, Starlink-1039, Starlink-1041, Starlink-1042, Starlink-1043, Starlink-1045, Starlink-1046, Starlink-1050, Starlink-1053, Starlink-1054, Starlink-1055, Starlink-1056, Starlink-1058, Starlink-1061, Starlink-1062, Starlink-1063, Starlink-1064, Starlink-1065, Starlink-1067
44727, 44743, 44744, 44746, 44747, 44748, 44750, 44751, 44755, 44758, 44759, 44760, 44761, 44763, 44766, 44767, 44768, 44769, 44770, 44771

Second grup climb from 350 to 550 km:
Norad no:
44715, 44719, 44753, 44754, 44713, 44714, 44716, 44718, 44720, 44721, 44722, 44723, 44726, 44731, 44732, 44733, 44756, 44728, 44730, 44724

Covering the first batch after deployment to three planes (120 days) , satellit 25°above horizon
In mountainous or urban areas, coverage is decisive when the satellite is more than 45 ° above the horizon.
3 planes x 20 satellites

Covering the first batch after deployment to three planes (120 days), satellit 25°above horizon

18 planes x 20 satellites 25° above horizon
2d map 18 planes x 20 satellites 25° above horizon

2d map 36 planes x 20 satellites 25° above horizon

2d map 72 planes x 20 satellites 45° above horizon

24 planes with 20 satellites each

2d map 24 planes with 20 satellites each
To achieve a 20° difference, the next satellite series must start to climb approximately 7 days after reaching 550 km of the previous series.

Starlink nodal precession  20° 350 - 550 km
To achieve a 15 ° difference, the next satellite series must start to climb approximately 3 days before reaching 550 km of the previous series.

Starlink nodal precession  15° 350 - 550 km

Starlink, RAAN difference from 2020 Jan 07 to 2020 May 26

Starlink, RAAN difference after 140 days (from 2020 Jan 07 to 2020 May 26). 4 launches fill free orbital planes


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