Above the surface, the corona (illustrated here) extends for millions of miles and roils with plasma. Eventually, it continues outward as the solar wind, a supersonic stream of plasma permeating the entire solar system.
Credits: NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Lisa Poje/Genna Duberstein
mass 2165 kg
propellant 2010 kg
fraction 0,93
burn time 84 sec
thrust 68,6 kN
ISP 292 sec
Installation of Star 48BV and Parker Solar Probe on adapter D4H
Charakteristic energy C3 153.79 km2/s2 was needed July 31 and at the end of the basewindow,
152.21 was enough on the 12th August. Even on the 23rd of August, it would not be more than 156 km2/s2
Paker Solar Probe propulsion system
The system consists of a propellant tank, feed system and 12 MR-111C hydrazine thrusters, each generating one pound of thrust. These thrusters have been used on a number of NASA exploration probes, including New Horizons, now en route to a Kuiper Belt object following its encounter with Pluto.
A1-A4 are spaced around the aft structure of the spacecraft. They fire in the aft direction.
B1-B4 fire laterally
C1-C4 fire forward
slightly rotated:
slightly rotated to the other side
Because I do not know which are A1, A2, ... C4, so I named them Aw, Ax, Ay, Az, Bw, Bx, By, Bz, Cw.
Two more remains (Ay and Az)
Will they be under the solar panel on the other side?
Propulsion system Solar Probe Plus
Orbit and timeline:
Parker Solar Probe velocity and distance of the probe from the Sun (km/s AU) on timeline
1st gravitational deceleration at Venus after the TCM01 correction maneuver
The PSP will fly 3.10.2018 alongside Venus and will slow from 31.48 to 28.95 by 2.53 km/s.
3.10.2018 8:46 UTC 2446 km above the surface of Venus (r=6052 km, dist_cent= 8498.59km)
Second flyby of Venus on December 26, 2019. The velocity decreases by 2.9 km/s to 26 km/s (red circle), shifting the spacecraft to a new orbit closer to the Sun.
PSP 3rd flyby around Venus in SSB coordinates x-y
PSP 3rd flyby around Venus SSB x-z
PSP 3rd flyby around Venus SSB x-y
Venus coordinate system
Specific orbital energy before and after braking around Venus a its change
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Parker Solar Probe 24th perihelion in the coordinates of the Solar System Barycenter
First Light:
The right side of this image — from WISPR’s inner telescope — has a 40-degree field of view, with its right edge 58.5 degrees from the Sun’s center. The left side of the image is from WISPR’s outer telescope, which has a 58-degree field of view and extends to about 160 degrees from the Sun. There is a parallax of about 13 degrees in the apparent position of the Sun as viewed from Earth and from Parker Solar Probe. Credit: NASA/Naval Research Laboratory/Parker Solar Probe
Numerical models provide a global context for interpreting Parker Solar Probe observations. This animation is from a model showing how the solar wind flows out from the Sun, with the perspective of Parker Solar Probe’s WISPR instrument overlaid.
Credits: Predictive Science Inc.
This image from Parker Solar Probe's WISPR (Wide-field Imager for Solar Probe) instrument shows a coronal streamer, seen over the east limb of the Sun on Nov. 8, 2018, at 1:12 a.m. EST. Coronal streamers are structures of solar material within the Sun's atmosphere, the corona, that usually overlie regions of increased solar activity. The fine structure of the streamer is very clear, with at least two rays visible. Parker Solar Probe was about 16.9 million miles from the Sun's surface when this image was taken. The bright object near the center of the image is Jupiter, and the dark spots are a result of background correction.
Credits: NASA/Naval Research Laboratory/Parker Solar Probe
This video clip shows actual data from NASA's Solar and Terrestrial Relations Observatory Ahead (STEREO-A) spacecraft, along with the location of Parker Solar Probe as it flies through the Sun’s outer atmosphere during its first solar encounter phase in November 2018. Such images will allow us to provide key context for understanding Parker Solar Probe's observations.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flat_Earth https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_flat_Earth_societies "Flat-Earth" map drawn by Orlando Ferguson in 1893: Pozornosť si zaslúži poznámka vpravo o lietajúcich mužoch: Títo muži lietajú po celom svete rýchlosťou 65 000 míľ za hodinu okolo slnka a 1,042 míľ za hodinu okolo stredu krajiny (v ich mysli). Myslite na túto rýchlosť! Pozn. Orlando Ferguson bol developer nehnuteľností, titul profesor si udelil len na obrázku. flat-earth-theory-revealed-map Google translate: V roku 1893, Orlando Ferguson, developer nehnuteľností so sídlom v Južnej Dakote, nakreslil mapu Zeme, ktorá spojila biblické a vedecké vedomosti jedinečným spôsobom. Mapka sprevádzala 92-stranovú prednášku o tom, že Ferguson - označovaný ako "profesor" - prednáša v meste za mestom a cestuje ďaleko a hlboko, aby zdieľa svoju geografickú teóriu, zdôraznenú jeho vierou, že Zem bola plochá. Fergusonova mapa reprezentuje Zem ako obrovskú ...
Lagrange-ove body alebo Libračné body v nebeskej mechanike sú také body v sústave dvoch telies rotujúcich okolo spoločného ťažiska, v ktorom sa vyrovnávajú gravitačné a odstredivé sily sústavy tak, že malé teleso umiestené do tohoto bodu nemení voči sústave svoju polohu. Všetky libračné body sa nachádzajú v rovine rotácie telies m1 a m2 a je ich celkom päť. Označujú sa L1, L2, L3, L4 a L5. L1, L2 a L3 sú na priamke spojujúcu telesá m1 a m2 a sú nestabilné, teleso m3 z nich utečie (dá sa udržať jemnými manévrami motorov). L4 a L5 tvoria vrchol rovnostranného trojuholníka a sú stabilné. Existenciu takýchto bodov odvodil francúzsky matematik a astronóm Joseph-Louis Lagrange v roku 1772. V roku 1906 sa objavili prvé príklady: Trojanské asteroidy, pohybujúce sa na obežnej dráhe Jupitera pod vplyvom gravitácie Jupitera a Slnka. Libračné body sústavy Slnko - Zem nad grafom efektívneho potenciálu: Vrstevnice sú hladiny rovnakého potenciálu,( equidist...
Časové pásma: Časové pásmo je oblasť okolo poludníka, ktorá používa rovnaký štandardný čas - pásmový čas a na Zemi, ak použijeme hodinový posun, vznikne 24 základných časových pásiem, teda vychádza to na 15°, 360° na rovníku deleno 24 hodín je 15°, zemepisnej dĺžky na posun o 1 hodinu oproti koordinovaného svetového času UTC (anglicky Coordinated Universal Time, francouzsky Temps Universel Coordonné). Základným časovým pásmom je pásmo okolo nultého poludníka , ktorý prechádza Kráľovskou hvezdárňou v Greenwichi (Londýn, Anglicko). Z tohto dôvodu sa pásmovému času zodpovedajúcemu UTC niekedy hovorí greenwichský stredný čas (GMT, Greenwich Mean Time). V Európe sú časové pásma: UTC+0 - UTC Z (Zulu), GMT (Greenwich Mean Time), WET (West European Time) UTC+1 - CET (Central European Time), SEČ (Stredoeurópsky čas) UTC+2 - EET ( East European Time), VEČ (Východoeurópsky čas) UTC+3 - FET (Further-eastern European Time / Moscow Time / Turkey Time), MSK (Moskov...
WGS84 je rotačný elipsoid s polosami 6378 x 6356 km Geoid je vlastne plocha, ktorá zodpovedá strednej hladine oceánu, a to aj tam kde je pevnina. Prehnane zobrazenie: Hodnota W 0 geopotenciálu, ktorú prijala IAU , je 62636856 m2 s-2 Tiažové zrýchlenie pre konkrétne miesto sa vypočíta: g=W 0 / r = 62636856 / 6378137 = 9,820557 m s-2 g=W 0 / r = 62636856 / 6356752 = 9,853594 m s-2 r - rádius miesta pre ktoré chcem spočítať gravitačné zrýchlenie, (rovník, pól) A aký je rozdiel medzi WGS84 a geoidom EGM96, je to cca +-100 m: Ako je to z výškou: Červená výška N je to zobrazenie nad týmto obrázkom. h je údaj, ktorý nám dá GPS. Equatorial (a), polar (b) and mean Earth radii as defined in the 1984 World Geodetic System revision (not to scale) Candidate Locations for Extreme Values of Earth’s Gravity Field Gravity Component /Latitude/Longitude Geographic Feature/Location Gravity acceleration Minimum 9.76392 m/s2 9...
Optical libration is the wagging of the Moon perceived by Earth -bound observers caused by changes in their perspective. Moon Libration 2019 Sep 17 20:00 UTC, Lat 6.2N, Long 4.7W Moon Phase, Libration and Position Angle 2019 Sep 17 20:00 UTC Moon Libration in September 2019 "Over the course of a lunar cycle we can see more than 50% of the Moon's surface from Earth. This is because of a combination of effects which are known as "librations" of the Moon. If we view the face of the Moon over the course of its orbit in fast motion, it is as if the Moon is both nodding its head "yes" and shaking its head"no" at the same time. The lunar libration in latitude is due to the Moon's axis being slightly inclined relative to the Earth's axis. From our angle we can at one time peek over the north pole of the Moon, and then later in the lunar month we peek under the south pole. Over the entire fo...
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